HomeBase vision video

Microsoft HomeBase & Outlook  _Product and Motion designer
This was one design team working on both the HomeBase app and the modern versions of the Outlook Mail and Calendar apps.
HomeBase was an home organizational software solution to help the family stay organized and connected. It was attempting to replace the analog refrigerator calendar.  
HomeBase app
I contributed as both a motion designer and product designer for HomeBase focusing on calendar interactions - particularly how calendar items can communicate an extensive amount of information without overwhelming the user. I also focused on calendar items using Ai to autocomplete a user’s event card.

Calendar view

Map view

              Today view open

              Calendar transformations

              Auto event card creation

              Magnify from center prototype

Microsoft Outlook 
My primary focus was on the calendar app, especially on user navigation between large scale areas like day view to week, month and year view. I also focused on Quick item interactions giving users easier ways to quickly create events on the fly.

Calendar month view

Calendar week view dark mode

              Month to day transformations

              Month to week transformations

              Quick View appointment creator