Whiteboard FRE experience

Microsoft Whiteboard and Intentional Platform Team  _Product & Motion designer
My focus at Whiteboard was on pen, ink & touch for collaborative canvas experiences. Most of my larger projects were at the junction of product design and motion design. My work on our Intentional platform focused on establishing an animation system for the platform including a motion language, an engineering animation library, and engineering tools to improve the engineering-design pipeline.
Microsoft Whiteboard
In app communications system
This UX systems project entailed the creation of a communication system that solved many of our user’s educational needs, introduced new features, and connected users to preexisting value areas, all while combating a user’s residual expectations persisting from analog whiteboard experiences.
In App Communications  _How To Video series
In App Communications  _Help Desk panel system
In App Communications  _What's New section
Whiteboard loading system
This was an app-wide loading system providing loading experiences for all app needs from small 20x spinners to large scale board-opening scenarios. The main goal was reducing the perception of time for our more egregious loading scenarios necessitated by opening extremely large boards.
Through an extensive design process, I developed an on-object loading and color wash system that uses the initiated object as the vehicle for the loading experience, randomized color spinners, and a color wash overlay. This new concept currently has several Microsoft patents under review.

Board open  _loading sequence prototype

Board open  _shipped product code example

              Board picker page loading

Collab share control  _Invite flow with an on-object button loader

Collab share control  _Skeletal loading with color wash

                                             In code example  _On-object button control with color wash, early prototype

Inertia animation language
Early in its infancy, the Whiteboard app severely lacked even basic animations or any sense of vivacity. So much so that the overall functionality of the app was hindered. In an effort to fix some of these areas, I started an inertia project looking holistically at movement throughout the app and how applying inertia to basic object interactions as well as core canvas movements could help breathe some life into these core scenarios.

              Object stack drag inertia

Object selection and flick inertia

Canvas surface pan inertia